About Us

Austin Center for Eating Disorders

We are a devoted and enthusiastic team of therapists and dietitians, dedicated both to our work and to our own self care. We believe that healing happens when we are most connected to ourselves and to each other, and therefore do our best to follow our own advice. As a group practice, we specialize in eating disorders, body shame, over-exercise, trauma, anxiety, & OCD.

We bring our full selves to our work, ready to listen and learn, guide and teach, love and challenge, to bring liberation and self-trust into our clients’ lives. We know that recovery takes a village, and we work hard together, in collaboration, to take the best possible care of you and your family.

Our Philosophies & Practices

  • Health at Every Size®️ aligned

  • Fat liberation & body liberation focused

  • Intuitive Eating aligned & anti-diet

  • Committed to ongoing antiracist education and action

  • Allied with LGBTQIA+ persons and communities

  • Affirming of all gender identities and expressions

  • Rooted in intersectional feminist frameworks

  • Sex positive

  • Oriented by social justice ideals

Our Values & Vision


We believe that all humans embody the right to feel at home in their bodies, exactly as they are, safely and in peace.


Austin Center for Eating Disorders (ACED) is a liberation-focused, anti-oppressive, and inclusive private practice of licensed therapists and dietitians in Austin.

We believe that recovery from both eating disorders and trauma is not only possible, but that it is your birthright to feel at home in your body.


We strive to guide, uphold, and advocate for the radical liberation of our clients from oppressive systems that come from white supremacy culture.

We visualize and work to create a culture where all humans can safely live and thrive in their bodies, as they are right now.

Meet our Founder, Executive Director, and Therapist



Building a specialized group practice specializing in eating disorders and trauma has been a lifelong goal, passion, and lighthouse for me. I’ve personally seen how an eating disorder or traumatic experience can steal a person’s life-force, and I have dedicated my professional life to breathing air into what can be a dark void of suffering. I’ve learned so much along the way.


A Surprise Along the Way

Possibly the most surprising thing I’ve learned is that eating disorders are about so much more than the actual behaviors, and certainly more than a person’s appearance. Eating disorders are largely a consequence of the oppressive systems and culture(s) in which we live. Eating disorders are a set of coping skills, a way to survive in a world that simply wasn’t built for us. Yes, of course the eating disorder ultimately does more harm than good, and it’s important to recognize that they exist for a reason.

My Commitment

I will continue to work hard to do my part in evolving our culture to become more inclusive and equitable, more human-centered, and more just for all bodies. I cherish and am humbled by my roles in mentoring, training, and supervising my clinicians at ACED, while continuing to work with my own small caseload of clients.

Fees & Therapy Style

You can read more about my credentials, qualifications, fees, and treatment modalities, here.