First Name
Last Name
What is your date of birth, including year?
If you are filling this out for someone else, let us know and provide their birth date.
Would you like to share any notes about your medical stability?
If you do have medical issues because of an ED, but want out-patient support, please indicate that here.
Your availability
Check the days and times you are available. This will help us to match you with your dream team, and make sure you get what you need.
Mornings (9am-12pm)
Afternoons (12pm-5pm)
Evenings (5pm-7pm)
I need a specific time (specify below)
Can we text you with scheduling questions?
No thanks, just schedule me.
Add any notes about your availability or preferences here:
Check any symptoms that you are experiencing.
Let us know what symptoms you are experiencing related to food, your body, and exercise
Restriction of food intake
Dieting behaviors
Binge eating
Purging behaviors (vomiting, laxative use, laxative teas, exercising to compensate for eating, etc)
Tracking calories in some way
Mental obsessions (mental preoccupation with food, your body, and/or exercise)
Body image distress
Overexercise or compulsive exercise
Rigid food rules
Body checking behaviors
Use of Rx medications to manage weight or appetite
Trouble staying warm
Dizziness or fainting
Hair loss or brittle nails
I don't struggle with food, my body image, or exercise
Check any other concerns you have.
Let us know what symptoms or concerns you have unrelated to eating, body image, or exercise.
Anxiety and/or panic
ADHD symptoms
OCD symptoms
LGBTQI+ concerns
Gender identity concerns
Other not listed
What else do you want us to know?
Say as much or as little as you'd like about you, your history, your goals, or your current struggles. If you want to work with a particular clinician, let us know here.
Please don't ghost us!
I understand that I will be scheduled a first, paid session (or sessions if starting with a team) by submitting this form. I agree to show up for this session, or to communicate that I need to reschedule or have changed my mind via email. I acknowledge that my card on file will be charged for this session(s) following the appointment.
Thank you! You can expect to hear back from us within 24 business hours. You can expect to be paired with the best clinician(s) for you, get a fist session(s) scheduled, and receive guidance in next steps (documents in your client portal). Email with any questions.